MAGA! And what does Tom Petty have to do with this?

Guy Hochstetler
4 min readOct 13, 2020

MAGA — Make America Great Again! Hmm 🤔 . A little pride is healthy, too much is vanity.

Of course Americans should be proud of what this country has achieved over its young 200+ years, devising AND evolving a unique form of government. But we don’t need to be condescending about it. Feels like we are. What is the point of our frequent self-titling “the greatest country in the world”? What purpose or value is gained? Is it all about projecting strength? Are we such an insecure society that we can only function when boasting or claiming “best”? Must we always be perceived as controlling the fulcrum of world influence?

There is prudence in balancing self-recognition with a continued hunger for achieving more and an appreciation for what the world contributes to our successes.

Did you know?

The United States of America is a republic, not specifically a democracy. James Madison wrote about this in Federalist Papers #10 and #14. He expressed concern in a purely democratic form of government by recognizing failed attempts in ancient Greece and in modern Europe (modern from 1780’s perspective). He observed. He learned. His greatest concern was the opportunity for “factions” dominating the government. To achieve democratic principles and mitigate the spread of factions Madison argued for a form of government where the citizens elected representatives, and that their number would increase as the population increased. Regular voting of representatives would minimize zealots. Other Federalist Papers go on to decompose, explain and defend the draft United States Constitution to the New York citizens, especially to the anti-federalists.

The point is the United States wasn’t born of an immaculate conception. It’s concepts derived from others.

Did you also know?

Continuing the theme of borrowing ideas to create your own, I was listening to a radio program recently, “Tom Petty Radio” where this topic came up. I enjoy this program and have come to learn a little about Tom through it. It turns out he was a reasonably pragmatic man, neither flaunting nor ostentatious, and well liked. Since his unfortunate passing in 2017 the radio program continues with prior recordings of Tom as DJ as well as his fellow musicians sitting in to play the tunes. One of these musicians revealed how, at a time while Tom was still living, there was a popular rock group (I forget which) that was caught by Petty fans for copying his music into one of their songs. Tom heard about this, realized he could have made a legal issue of it, but chose to let it go. His reasoning was he believed they didn’t maliciously steal his music. It happens. In fact, he said he took some pride in knowing that other musicians borrowed his ideas, and that he’s sure he’s done the same. It’s hard not to.

Petty wasn’t petty. He was gracious in respecting the creative paths blazed by others.

Innovation begets innovation. Discovery builds on discoveries. We would not have a democratic-republic embodied in The United States Constitution were it not for the “Founding Fathers” learning from prior attempts at democracy. This is why we have a republic form of government and not a pure democratic form. So, let’s confer in the individuals and their societies the respect they deserve for their achievements that aid us in our own journey. And let’s do the same within our own society. Let’s recognize and give credit where credit is due. Think of your own successes. Who helped you? Upon whose ideas did yours depend? You didn’t do it alone.

Let’s MAGA — Make America GRACIOUS Again!

(I’m not sure we ever were, but it’s nice to think we might have been 😁)



Guy Hochstetler

Philosopher, dreamer, always learning and generally striving to find clarity in chaos.